CPA Praying Together – October 2021

Please join us and feel free to pass on to friends.

In these unprecedented times in which we are living, feel free to use this short update to help you pray for our friends in Africa. 

Let us begin with a prayer for the continent of Africa and the world in which we all live:

Heavenly father, who sees both Heaven and earth as one, let your great love shine on all those living in anger and sorrow, bringing light where there is darkness. We pray for peace in your church, peace among nations, peace in our dwellings, and peace in our hearts, through your son, our saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen


We have news from Uganda regarding the reopening of schools. Further Education Centres are to open in November, with all schools due to re-open in January next year.

  • Three of the children from Komamboga will be able to restart their education in November, which is such good news.
  • There is a programme to vaccinate all teachers against Covid-19 before schools re-open.
  • Please pray the effect of having to isolate will not hold back the many children as they re-engage with each other and their education.
  • Please pray for our friend and co-worker Julius, as he continues to visit the children and families, checking on their wellbeing and helping them to get back to some form of normality.
  • Let us pray that the vaccine roll out will be achieved.


Times still remain very turbulent in Ethiopia.  President Abiy Ahmed was recently sworn in for another 5-year term and is expected to announce his new government soon.

Please continue to pray for:

  • A de-escalation of the conflict and the ‘Shalom’ of God to prevail throughout the regions of Ethiopia.
  • For leadership both central and local to take up the plight of the widow the orphan and for those who have been displaced.
  • For justice to prevail.
  • That a tangible unity would be seen amongst local churches, bringing together individuals and communities once again.
  • For the girls from the Afar region, who will be taking up their university places, and really leading the way for others to follow.
  • Our friend and partner Beletew and family. Lord, please give him strength and wisdom, with renewed vigour, to work with those you have called him to serve.

Sunday 30th October sees the start of the COP26 United Nations Climate Change conference. This runs until 12th November. Please take some time to reflect on how our climate is changing and the many effects it is having on the nations of Africa.

Last month I mentioned the situation in Madagascar:

Lord, open our hearts and minds as we pray. Give us the wisdom to listen, and strength to act.

Today, we ask that COP26 will lead to a breakthrough for those facing the greatest impact from the climate crisis. May the voices of the most vulnerable be heard and may they know a sense of hope that only you can bring.

We pray in a moment of stillness. Quieten our hearts and minds, so that we can hear the calls of our global brothers and sisters. Lift their voices, so those in positions of power are moved into action by the power of their stories.

May El Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty, who loves us, protect us and our African friends.

May Jesus Christ His son, who died for us, save us.

May the Holy Spirit, who broods over the chaos and fills us with his presence, intercede for us and in us, for others at this time.


Thank you for praying with us.