Dear friends, thank you for joining with us in prayer. Feel free to use this short update to help you pray for our friends in Africa.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are seeing the return of longer days. I soon won’t need lights on my bike ride commute to and from work, hooray! I live with the hope of more sunlight and warmth – a small thing I know, but a reminder to me of the hope that we hold on to, Jesus the light of the world.

In a very troubled and turbulent world, let’s pray:

Father God, we pray for our world today.

We pray for peace and hope to abound.

Many are affected by natural disasters: floods, droughts, and forest fires. 

Many are struggling with conflict, poverty, and the global food crisis.

O Lord, we pray for your provision, peace and protection.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(A prayer for the world today – Compassion)

Let’s hold that in our hearts as we pray.


  • School Scholarship Scheme

We were grateful to have recently receive letters from our children on the School Scholarship Scheme in Uganda. There was a sense of gratitude and hope in each one. I was particularly struck by a comment by one of the children. It made me think of how an investment of time and love by a sponsor, the child’s guardian, and no doubt others, has produced in them a desire to bless others.

She wrote: ‘In this holiday at home I cook food, wash utensils, and even weed the gardens. I go to church every Sunday and as I am there I pray to God to bless you. I sat down and decided to fast for two days to request God to thank you with blessings and indeed I believe that God did it’.

Whoa! Don’t you just want to be the sponsor of that child!!

Another child wrote: ‘How are you and how is your life going? Back to me, I am alright. My grandmother is also fine but with a little abdominal pain. But I HOPE in God whom we all trust will render her from the illness. I would like to be a doctor one day who helps people with unstable minds.’

Let us pray for each of the children and their guardians. For God’s wholeness to be with and fill each one.


  • North Kigezi Family Empowerment
    • In North Kigezi Esther has reported that demand to join the family empowerment project is high, and asked CPA whether it would be appropriate to expand the group size. This is very exciting. Please pray we would have wisdom on how to move forward with our partners there.
    • Please continue to pray for our project workers and partners in North Kigezi, Esther, Adeera, Naomi and Nelson. We really appreciate the hard work and diligence they give to the individuals, families and communities with whom they work.
  • Kampala Family Empowerment Project
    • This new project is run by Julius and his team. Please pray for the families who are engaged and involved in this new programme, that their lives would be transformed, and they would find a more sustainable way of supporting themselves in the future.
  • Komamboga Children
    • Please continue to pray for all the Komamboga children as they returned to school, college and university for another term. Pray a blessing on their families and on Julius who heads up the project.
    • We are so grateful for all who pray with us. We give thanks for the ‘Komamboga Prayer Group’ who have faithfully prayed over many years for the work of CPA. Thank you to them for the time and effort put in… blessed!


  • Although we continue to support some activities in Ethiopia, transferring funds has been an issue, we suspect due to the on-going trouble there. Please pray this can be resolved and we can continue to see lives and communities changed there.
  • Please pray for the girls who continue to attend university. Pray for safety and blessing on their studies.
  • Please continue to pray for peace in and throughout Ethiopia. The situation is dire for many, with ethnic tensions still on the rise. Famine has gripped large parts of the country…again, and life for many is extremely challenging. We remember in particular our partners and friends there.

May El Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty who loves us, protect us and our African friends.

May Jesus Christ his Son, who died for us, save us.

May the Holy Spirit, who broods over the chaos and fills us with his presence, intercede for us, and in us for others at this time.


Thank you so much for joining with us. We at CPA cannot do this alone and we are so grateful for your company.