Psalm 8:
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth,
You let your glory be seen in the heavens above.
I often think of the heavens your hands have made, and of the moon and stars you put in place.
Psalm 19:
The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what he has done.
Each day informs the following day; each night announces to the next.
They don’t speak a word, and there is never the sound of a voice.
Yet their message reaches all the earth, and it travels around the world.
When Helen, my wife and I go for a walk, it’s normally just for the pleasure of being together, being outdoors and knowing it’s great exercise. Walking together, while taking in some fresh air and exercise allows time to chat, make plans and just be.
We are grateful to God for this most amazing, diverse, and habitable place we call earth.
But for many in our world, and we are thinking especially of those on our projects in Africa, every day brings a new challenge. Believing that Jesus can bring restoration, peace, healing and a meaning for living, into lives and communities, let’s together pray for the following:
· Those that are walking away from conflict, in whatever form it might take for them, right now.
· Those children walking many kilometres to get back and forth to school.
· Those walking long distances to get food and water.
· The many who walk to work in the fields.
· Those who fill their day with walking because they have nothing else to do.
· The mothers walking with children on their backs.
· Those walking dusty roads to be re-united with loved ones.
· Those who walk to work, to a fulfilling, or perhaps dead-end job.
· The many who will walk to find shade on a scorching day.
· Those walking the streets of a city to find a place to live or rest.
· Those who walk in search of family members.
Over the coming months can I encourage you to ‘Google Image’ some of the above, to help you in your prayers. It’s a way to help bring focus to our requests.
I was brought up in the Southern Hemisphere where August and September are winter months, bringing cooler weather and an opportunity for the earth to rest. Here in the UK, we hope for warmer days to bring productive fields of corn and fruit on the trees.
We are all aware of the effects of Global warming around the world. With this in mind, let’s take time to think about our African friends and partners, and pray for the fruit of their labours and the productivity of their lands.
As we think of Ethiopia, lets pray this prayer from Tearfund UK, which feels practically poignant for our partners and communities there.
Creator God,
We thank you for the gift that is creation –
For the beauty of the earth and how you have created us to care for it.
We are sorry for the ways we have neglected this,
Help us to work together to repair the world.
Lord of the Harvest, hear our prayers.
Generous God,
We thank you for the gift of food –
For how it brings us together and nourishes us.
We pray for those without, whose harvests and store cupboards are empty,
Help us work together to share the world’s resources so that everyone can be fed.
Lord of the Harvest, hear our prayers.
Sustaining God,
We thank you for the gift of those who farm and prepare our food –
For their labour, their innovation, and their care.
We pray that everyone will be able to work with dignity, that there will be no more poverty,
Help us work together to call for just and fair systems of pay and working conditions.
Lord of the Harvest, hear our prayers.
All-powerful God,
We thank you for the gift that is creation –
For the beauty of the Earth and how you have created us to care for it.
We are sorry for the ways we have neglected this,
Help us to work together to repair the world.
Lord of the Harvest, hear our prayers. Amen.
Please continue to lift our partners who are dedicated to seeing the goodness of Father God in their respective communities and neighbourhoods.