CPA Praying Together – April 2022
Thank you for joining with us. Please feel free to pass onto friends.
Please use this opening prayer for both yourself and our African friends.
Holy Lord, everything we need is found in you.
For those of us who come here feeling broken, bring restoration.
For those of us who come here feeling weak, bring strength.
For those who come here weeping, bring joy.
For those of us who come here with doubts, bring faith.
For those who come here feeling shame, bring freedom.
For those of us who come here feeling burdened, bring rest.
For those of us who come here feeling anxious, bring peace.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
We are aware that so much is going on in our world, much of it painful to hear.
At CPA, we believe giving thanks to God, and recognising his ultimate Love for all, is a good foundation to establishing our times of prayer.
On Friday 25th of March the Government of Ethiopia declared an indefinite ‘unilateral truce’ with immediate effect. Two of the objectives are to allow humanitarian aid to get those in the north of the country, and to give opportunity to set up peace talks with the TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front).
- Let us pray for this window of opportunity, giving thanks to God that the warfare has ceased, at least for now, and that those in most need of assistance will receive it.
- Pray for humble and softened hearts for those in positions of power.
- We pray for a lasting peace
- CPA is currently partnering with a large organisation, that is working on the ground in Ethiopia, to deliver food parcels to those that we have been in partnership with for many years. Pray that our partners will be able to source the food, make up the parcels and get it to the people ASAP.
- Let’s pray and believe for multiplication of these food parcels, to reach as many families as possible. It can happen!
- Let’s pray that the sacks of grain, kept securely by the aid agencies, can now get safely to those who need it most.
- Please pray that the church would remain impartial in her approach to those in need, serving all, regardless of their tribe, tongue, or belief, as we together serve our father God who loves us all.
The news from our partners in Uganda is as follows.
- We are told all the Komamboga children are thriving and are all back at school. Let’s give thanks for that!
- Julius, our good friend and partner, is busy planning an Easter get-together for the children and a guardian. This will be the first time for two years. We pray this would be a time of real happiness and blessing for all involved.
- Like many places around the world, Uganda are having to cope with rising food prices. Please pray for good and fair governance in helping those already struggling.
- We appreciate the hard work of our partners and work colleagues in North Kigezi Diocese. Please pray that we may have wisdom as we look to expand some of our community work in Rukungiri and beyond. Pray for Esther, Adeera and Nelson, who have been key and very resourceful in our partnership in the region.
And finally, please pray for Aimee from our office, who is about to have a well-deserved break. We pray she would rest well, have fun, and be rejuvenated for the weeks ahead.
Thank you so much for joining with us. We desire to serve our African friends with Christ’s love and compassion, and we appreciate your part in making this happen.
Have a blessed Easter time.
Raymond and the team.